For the uninitiated, credit cards are used to make financial transactions based on funds you borrow and later pay back. The card lender sets you up with a limit and you pay a minimum monthly fee based on the amount you're borrowed and the interest rate agreed.
This deposit method is an extremely popular way to spend, both online and at physical retail locations. Many have loyalty points systems built in, so you benefit from such things as air miles or cash back as you spend.
Transferring your hard earned cash to a gambling site via a new method that you're not used to can be daunting at first. That's why we've laid out these step-by-step instructions to guide you through the process.
Gambling with credit cards has long been one of the popular ways to go about your online casino banking. The sites know nearly everybody owns a credit card, so it makes sense to make this method available for the purpose of making withdrawals and deposits.
As well as paying funds into your online gambling account as a deposit method, you can also use your card to receive funds. A withdrawal made at a Canada gambling site simply shows up as a credit on your statement.
Online gambling with this deposit method is not hard to master, and comes with plenty of advantages to encourage you to make your first transaction. Those perks include:
So, choosing to deposit with your credit cards should no longer be a difficult decision to make. With all these advantages and more, what are you waiting for?
Yes you can. They are widely accepted for the purpose of online gambling.
Yes they do. Wherever you find a credit card logo at a regulated site it's been fully approved by the banking card issuer.
MasterCard and Visa are the two names you're going to find most commonly listed. These two global superstars of the card world may well already be lurking in your wallet, and their logos are all over the top-rated casino sites.
Using credit cards at the secure sites we recommend is 100% safe and secure for your transaction. Software is deployed to keep your details protected and there's no chance of anybody stealing them.
Credit card deposits are instantaneous, meaning your online gambling account will be loaded the second you click send. For withdrawals we'd advise a wait of anywhere from 3-7 days for your funds to show. Exact details are determined by the card issuer and the website you play at.
Credit card fees vary depending on the card provider and also the gambling site. Some sites charge a fee for deposits and withdrawals made using a credit card, while others don't.
Bear in mind that your credit card incurs interest each month and may also have an annual fee attached.
Debit cards and credit cards are both popular banking methods at online casinos. Both their merits and it's ultimately down to you, the player, to decided which option works best for your individual circumstances.
Some might argue credit cards give you more financial freedom and the ability to be more flexible. The counterargument is that borrowing funds can be a slippery slope and it's easy to get behind on credit card payments if you don't stay disciplined with your finances.